Saturday, April 28, 2007

Welcome to the 2010 Season

I've proceeded to the next season. The league file has been updated, almanacs are available on line and we are ready to proceed.

Coach and minor-league manager hirings are first. Please keep in mind that all scouts are going to be set to Average, so don't overspend on them.

As always, feel free to ask any questions.



  1. Zev: I didn't count them, but is that enough players for an 11-round draft? It doesn't look like that many.

    If so, don't we want to reset that now, before we start signing coaches?

  2. I counted, and there's 84 players to be drafted. Without meaning to cast stones, I suspect that you didn't change the number of rounds in the draft from 7 to 11 before rolling it to 2010. If we want to have an 11-round draft, and that seemed to be the consensus, we may have to roll it from 2009 to 2010 again.

    I suspect that Nate won't cry about that, given the unfortunate injury that Mr. Suarez apparently suffered in a nightclub partying during the offseason. :)

  3. He was just upset over losing the ROY award to that Hukill bastard.

    I haven't seen the file yet but even disregarding whatever injury one of my players suffered I do think we need to move forward with the 11-round draft to provide more talent downstream. It is, in my opinion, an important part of moving towards bringing balance to the teams in the league.


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