Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3Bs available from Los Angeles

It's no secret that finding a quality third baseman is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish in this league, along with actually winning the league. Well, to go with my four championship rings, I have four major league third basemen on my roster, and, one (or two) of them's gotta go!*
In return, I'd like a LHP reliever and/or those odd minor league players with more than one blue star next to their names. I think they're called prospects? I dunno, we don't have too many of them in my organization.

But, we have plenty of rings and third basemen!

* The players, not the rings.


  1. Kind of a funny definition of 'major league 3B', there, Butch. AAA all the way!

  2. Maybe "major league" equals "has major league contract".

  3. Or, maybe it means "Possibly better than River Cities' 3B, at a much better value!"

    But, it really equals "2+ star 3B with contract flexibility to be stashed in AAA while I sort out whom I'm keeping and trading."


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