Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rain Delay

OK, as you no doubt noticed, Sunday came and went and there was no sim.  I ended up putting it off for two reasons:

1.  Some owners are still on vacation and I figured it wouldn't hurt to wait an extra few days.
2.  I was hoping to find another owner for the vacancy.

We'll resume sims on Thursday night.  In the meantime, if anyone knows of someone who might be nterested, please feel free to have them drop an email to myself and Michael.  I will be offline for about 48 hours starting this evening, so if you (or the propective new owner) don't get an email from me right away, don't panic.  :)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Zev, I don't have any other future fathers-in-law hanging around (Hi Fred!).


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