Saturday, July 5, 2014

Shackamaxon/Brick deal

The Shackamaxon Lenape and Brick Barracudas have an unusual deal to announce:

In exchange for their fifteenth round pick in the upcoming amateur draft, the Lenape, and in particular its GM, Michael Weintraub, are pleased to acquire Brick's GM Fred Goldfarb's daughter, Jennifer (and $1 cash).

Jennifer will immediately join the Shackamaxon Lenape family and given the title of GM's Wife, overseeing the day-to-day aspects of the Weintraub family.


  1. Mazal Tov and Congratulations! May you both have many, many years of happiness together! :)


  2. Mack,

    I'll look to see if there is a "random stupid retirement" control in the game and adjust it if necessary.


  3. I would have given up a 14th round pick for her. Poor negotiating there, Fred.

    On a slightly more serious note, congratulations to Michael and Jennifer. It looked like a lovely wedding.


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