Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sim 13!

Game Date:  Jun 26 2034

Who uploaded:

Mepkin Abbey
New Orleans

Adams:  Brick is ahead of Brooklyn by sevenZotti:  Appalachian leads Milwaukee by two games.Signorino:  Philadelphia's lead over New Orleans has shrunk to a paltry 19.5 games.

Awards & Accomplishments:
Brick's Antonio Venet named Player of the Week (2nd career award)Atlanta's Louis King hit 3 HR vs. Antelope Valley (6/23)

Last Sim's Trivia Question:

Who holds the record for having the longest career (in terms of seasons pitched) while never having a losing season.  Hint:  This player is NOT in the Hall of Fame. 

Jeffrey correctly came up with the correct answer -- Andy Pettitte, who played 18 seasons without having a losing record.

This Sim's Question:
OK, we're going to go back a bit for this one. 

Once upon a time, there was an American League team known as the St. Louis Browns.  Whereas most teams go through cycles of good and bad, the Browns were perennially bad.   The Browns played in the American League for 52 years, and only won one pennant (and it took World War II for that to happen!).  The unofficial motto for the Browns was "First in Shoes, First in Booze and Last in the American League."

Eventually the Browns were sold and moved to Baltimore and became the Orioles.  While most relocated teams embrace their past incarnations, the Orioles, with good reason, do all they can to forget the Browns and their losing ways.

All that being said, the Browns did, indeed, win some games.  So, the question is this:  Who are the only three pitchers to ever win 22 or more games in a season in a Browns uniform?

200 Commissioner points to the person who comes up with the correct answers in the #random channel on Slack.

Next Sim:  Sunday night.

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