Sunday, January 31, 2010

You've Got To Love The Gall of Some Players...

To answer a question posed by someone, I went to my test league and offered a player (and not a star by any means) a contract for 4 years at $50 million a year -- far outstipping any other contract that any player had been offered.

The reply I get from him:

The offer is okay, but he thinks someone else might make a better offer. :)


1 comment:

  1. Just for clarification, when did you offer this player this contract (i.e. in the middle of the season; day one of FA; right before the season started), and what is his 'Greed' setting? And finally, how old is the player, is this his last contract or does he have a few remaining?
    I think that is insane that he would not sign right away, but there may be many factors why he said what he said. We have to remember that it is a computer program, and the programmers might have programmed in a 'Do not accept any first offer' setting (not matter what it is) for the extremely greedy players.


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